Aluminium phosphide poisoning treatment

Treatment of ALP toxicity is mainly supportive as there is no specific antidote. We recently managed 7 cases of ALP poisoning with severe hemodynamic effects. The majority of aluminum phosphide (ALP) toxicity cases are suicidal attempts.

Despite advances in critical care medicine, the mortality rate of ALP remains very  . Aluminum phosphide (ALP) is a fumigant widely used in agricultural as well as in nonagricultural field. In India, it is available in tablet form as .

House hold remedies in phosphide poisoning

Toxicity by ALP is caused by the liberation of phosphine gas, which causes cell hypoxia due to inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation leading to . Cardiogenic shock secondary to toxic myocarditis remains the most common cause of death in AlP poisoning. There is citable report on the use of digoxin for . AlP has currently generated . Traducerea acestei pagini 9 oct. Poison Center, Loghman-Hakim Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Shaheed- Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

Phosphides are used throughout the worldas pesticides to protect stored grains from rodents and other pests.

Aluminium phosphide poisoning: need for revised treatment

It produces phosphine gas, which is a mitochondrial . AlP, a mitochondrial poison, . Acute aluminium phosphide poisoning is an extremely lethal poisoning. Ingestion is usually suicidal in intent, uncommonly accidental and rarely homicidal. AbstractCompounds containing phosphide used as rodenticide are among most fatal poisonings encountered in Poisoning Control Center, Ain . Aluminium Phosphide Poisoning – MedIND medind. Hydrocortisone and broad spectrum antibiotics. In the absence of any specific antidote, management of celphos poisoning hinges on . A 45-yr-old male was admitted to the hospital with a history of severe diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting for 3 days. He was treated with intravenous saline without . The mortality rate from aluminum phosphide (AlP) poisoning is as high as 70– 100%, with refractory hypotension and severe metabolic acidosis .

It is also known as celphos and is one of the most dreaded poisons one . AlP, locally named “rice tablet”, is widely  . ALP on ingestion reacts with a gastric water and release phosphine gas, which is highly flammable, and very toxic in nature. This type of poisoning (known as Kerry or Rice tablet poisoning ) is common in Comilla region in. Methods: The study was an observational study and .

Context: Celphos poisoning is one of the most common and lethal poison with no antidote available till now.

Successful management of aluminium phosphide poisoning

The main mechanism of DHA in  . AlP is a cheap solid fumigant and a highly toxic pesticide which is commonly used for grain preservation. They are intended to educate health care providers about pesticide toxicology. Inhalation Risks from Phosphide Fumigants.

Scenario: A 48 year old male acutely . Both of these metal phosphides act through elaboration of toxic phosphine gas. The poisoning in Iran is mostly oral and suicidal. There is usually only a short interval between ingestion of phosphides and the appearance of systemic toxicity.

Phosphine is rapidly absorbed .